Beyond the Bid: How to Select a Contractor You Can Trust



It is no secret that construction contractors often have a bad reputation as key players in “money pit” renovations and new construction endeavors. With over 220,000 construction managers employed in the United States, there is frequent opportunity to make mistakes, over-spend, and under-communicate.How can you ensure a successful, on-budget, and high-quality commercial construction result for your retail, healthcare, restaurant, or office project? Start from the very beginning by selecting a commercial contractor that you can trust.

  • Experience - Only consider general contractors that have a lot of experience in the field. A trustworthy contractor will provide a list of relevant, completed projects for your review.

  • References – In addition to a list of relevant projects, a trustworthy contractor will provide several references. Check them! Ask references about the communication before during and after the project, as well as their satisfaction with staying on-time and on-budget. Ask the general contractor candidates for financial references as well.

  • Proof of license, certifications, and insurance – Select general contractors who have the proper documentation to ensure safety and expertise before launching a commercial construction project.

  • Subcontractors – Interview contractor candidates to understand the relationships with their subcontractors. Do they use subcontractors with strong expertise in the relevant field? Have they had long-standing relationships with the subcontractors? What is their project management process?

  • Attention to detail – Visit a finished construction project. Stop by an ongoing project, if possible, to observe. Evaluate each site and make sure you approve of the quality that you see.

  • Meet face-to-face – Selection of a trustworthy contractor should not rely on phone interviews and paperwork alone. Meet in-person with the top candidates. Discuss your most important project goals and select a contractor who answers all questions to your satisfaction and in a way that puts you at ease. Communication is a vital part of a client-contractor relationship.

Unfortunately, contractors have a reputation for going over budget, over time, and out of scope—and with generally poor communications throughout the project. The vision for Marietta general contractor, 90 Degree Construction, was to put the trust back into commercial contracting. 90 Degree was built on honesty, integrity, and professionalism. The 90 Degree Construction process is simple, yet comprehensive… and it works. Contact us today for a free consultation and estimate on your next project. 


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